Apple Developer

Apple Developer

By Apple

  • Category: Developer Tools
  • Release Date: 2013-06-03
  • Current Version: 10.7.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 22.38 MB
  • Developer: Apple
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 17.0 or later.
Score: 4.10222
From 1,751 Ratings


Welcome to Apple Developer, your source for developer news, features, and videos — and the best place to experience WWDC. • Keep up to date on the latest Apple frameworks and technologies. • Browse news, features, developer stories, and more. • Catch up on videos from past events and download them to watch offline. • Enroll in the Apple Developer Program in supported locales.



  • Allow video player scale to window size.

    By Count Astro
    I don't understand why the video player needs to be contained into a narrow column. Giving an option to scale to window size would be great. Currently all that empty wasted space on each side is forcing me to use full screen, as the default size is simply not usable. Even picture in picture is better options for sizing, but of course for some reason that does not contain any controls apart from play / pause. This oversimplification of interface is ridiculous, despite what you may think, the user is not stupid and can probably understand a few extra buttons on screen. Talk about the accessibility by the way huh.
  • Will not let me renew Apple developer program

    By NickCaputo94
    Credit card changed so did not automatically renew for Apple developer. I go online to try to do that, but it tells me I need to use this app. I sign into the app, there is no button to renew. It just says it’s active through January 13. It’s January 21. No options available.
  • can’t verify identity

    By sm_2013
    i have a standard drivers license and can’t verify my identity. this is a crazy process from apple and very frustrating. make your app and processes work please.
  • Appple

    By ElTIKTOK7011
  • Cannot Enroll, Crashes Every Time

    By talksrealfast
    I have an M1 chip, on 15.1.1 and just downloaded the app because that’s how you enroll in the developer program now I guess. For identity verification you get either Passport or “other government ID” and both options open up an interface for the camera to scan, but crashes before the camera can load up. It has access to the camera via permissions. This is a blocking bug.
  • 垃圾

    苹果是我遇到过的最垃圾的公司,包括 swift,包括 ASA,包括各方面,垃圾中的战斗机
  • This is very new and informative for me ٫

    By Purdeli
    I have a lot information about apple developer projects Tanks allot from Al members of Apple-com
  • i think u can make apps

    By Jahoovleas
    yeah so i think u can but can you tell me how cause like the logo fe
  • Adventures

    By BadaBingNBada
    Awesome app
  • iPhone 12

    By Ophelia hill
