Tunnel Town

Tunnel Town

By Wildworks, Inc.

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2013-07-17
  • Current Version: 1.5.10
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 267.72 MB
  • Developer: Wildworks, Inc.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later.
Score: 4.22452
From 2,944 Ratings


Show off your creativity and design a subterranean playground for some very unusual rabbits! Help your bunnies build an underground empire! Feed baby rabbits by hand and watch them grow. Design new tunnels and chambers, then fill them with cool stuff your bunnies really use. Play online or offline: Tunnel Town is as deep as your imagination! Tunnel Town features: - Curious bunnies you can pick up and play with! - Play online or offline! - Amazing high resolution 3D graphics and animation! - Infinite possibilities: design your own underground world! - Zillions of items for your bunnies to interact with! - Share pics of your best bunny scenes with friends! - Gardens to grow and treasure to discover! - Make baby bunnies the old-fashioned way: on the dance floor! - Scads of bunny species you've never seen. Can you breed the elusive Butterfly Bunny? NOTES: - Tunnel Town is completely FREE to download and play, but you can also purchase Gems and Stars for real money through the in-game shop. If you don’t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases on your device. - You must have an Internet connection the first time you launch the game, but you can play online or offline thereafter. Learn more: www.tunneltown.com Follow us to talk about coming updates and request new features: @TunnelTownDaily on Twitter TunnelTownDaily on Facebook ------------------------------- Please rate the game and send us your feedback so we can keep updating it! We read all of your feedback at tunneltown.com, and your suggestions really will make a difference in what comes next!




    By ilovegusgusthehamhmahamster
    I’ve been playing this game non stop and i would love to buy gems but since it,s no longer updated, i cant :(
  • Seasonal Rotation

    By Nyan cat says hi
    Please, Please, Please fix the seasonal rotation. One of my favorite parts of the game was all the really cool seasonal bunnies. I really want a chance to get the cupid bunny and it’s very annoying knowing it’s impossible. I know you guys have basically abandoned this game but there are still people playing and all i ask is that you fix the seasonal rotation.
  • please add more updates and fix the facebook and in app purchases issue.

    By 😈‼️‼️
    tunnel town is a really good game, i enjoy it and so do many other people. theres an issue that you guys know about but wont fix, not being able to link your facebook. which is dumb as you have the option still, its misleading. not being able to purchase stars or gems because “in app purchases are disabled on your device” but thats not true. if you arent going to update and fix these things then just remove them. You guys have given up on even giving the new bunnies bios, this is so disappointing as the game is SO good.
  • I found a glitch!!! Please fix!!!

    By Yael7
    🐰My first bunny got a copy of itself the day I am writing this. It has the same amount of energy, same name, same level, same everything!!! I didn’t put my first bunny away, they were both in there!!! Maybe that one is still out and I have 3 copies!!! Please fix this glitch but I still love this game!!! Keep up the good work!!! 🐇Ok I’m editing cuz there’s another glitch that ALL (no not just it when I go near the dancing thingy when on) music has gone!!! My timer went then only my sounds worked!! Settings and restarting doesn’t work. I just found it!!! Pls fix these two!!!🐰
  • LOVE just one lil issue

    By groves, autumn
    i love this game so much, my only issue i’ve had is that it says the link connected to facebook is currently unavailable for the app but it’s been like that for awhile so i can’t complete like 2 goals cuz the link to facebook is invalid or whatever but yeah <3
  • Won’t work :(

    By CheedaKid
    I love this game when I was little and I was also excited to get it back when I remembered it and found it online and I downloaded it it kept telling me that it has no connection/cannot be played off-line which is understandable but I have data and I have Wi-Fi and I’ve already tried turning off my phone uninstalled the game reinstall itturned off and on my data and Wi-Fi nothing seems to be working I hope that developers will get back to me and let me know what I can do :(

    By Lydia Lindallwin
    I’ve been playing this game since I was a little kid! I had another account but since I couldn’t get it linked to Facebook it’s gone. I recently just downloaded the game and started new, it needs MAJOR UPDATES!! Please bring back this nostalgic game.. it’s really dead. I’d spend money on this game but it’s so outdated it won’t let me. If y’all just took the time to give this game a chance again I’d be so happy.. I don’t know why you discontinued it. That’s really sad. Yes you’re focusing on animal jam but what about tunnel town? It’s just as fun if not more fun. It relieves stress so much.. whenever I feel sad I play but there’s so many bugs.. not the ones I have to collect I like those. But I mean the game bugs cause it’s so old, I mean its only a 2013 game.. please please PLEASE PLEASEE update it. You will not disappoint!
  • Love it but…

    By CPAD1615
    This game is among my favorites!I die of cuteness whenever I see a bunny,and I highly enjoy making rooms for them!There is only a couple problems with it,though. 1.If a bunny is on the trampoline,whenever it touches it,the black part of the trampoline disappears. 2.Some bunnies sleep with their eyes open 3.I tried to put things in a convenient place,but it only lets me put it somewhere odd.The chair,for example,was supposed to go next to the table,but it only let me put it on the table? Otherwise,this game rocks!
  • Problem

    By jackie the human
    So when I tap the icon, the bar for it to load is always full. But it won’t let me play. Please help me! I wanna feed my bunnies.
  • Tunnel town revival !.

    By Shellbyz
    I have loved this game since i was little and now Im 18 and have honestly out grown it but this game brought me so much joy when i was younger ive been playing it mon stop for months. I have promoted it for years and my little sister brought to my attention the game no longer updates and you cant buy gems or anything?.! This was and still is an amazing game if there was a single ounce of hope someone might read this and consider it, I am begging.. scratch that pleadings please bring back tunnel town.!!! please
