UtilitiesClean up your device by using a unique smart cleaner. You can clean up similar photos and videos with a few taps. You do not only delete similars but can add photos and videos to Secret Albums, as well as contacts to Secret Contacts. Information in Secret Space will be securely hidden from prying eyes with Passcode Protection.
The Organize Contacts feature lets you merge duplicate contacts and fill in missing inform...
BusinessFAX from iPhone: Fax App
Sending a fax today is an inconvenient task you face on almost a daily basis: sending paperwork gets really annoying as looking for a fax machine nearby takes much time. But it’s not a problem with a FAX from iPhone — a fax app that works as a powerful tool for sending fax online just from your iPhone.
The fax app that makes your life easier
Our fax app can become your ultimate solutio...