NavigationMake effortless conversion of Latitude and Longitude from deg/min/sec.dec to deg/min.dec or deg.dec. Just tap on the field You want and the result is copied to clipboard and can be pasted to other application's that can use information.
The format for LAT is DD MM SS.d while for the LONG it is DDD MM SS.d. LONG goes from 0-180 deg, so for example if You want you use 51 deg LONG the way to enter it in the app is 05...
UtilitiesPilots on long-hauls flight have to calculate time for the crew-rest, therefore the user friendly 'CrewRest' App correlates with them – which allows all personnel to access crucial information with ease and comfort.
CrewRest app is made in a way to enable calculation for :
- “4 Pilots” - 2 full sets of crew (2 Captains and 2 First Officers)
- “3 Pilots” - 1 Captain and 2 First Officers
- “Q Flt Cre...
EducationBy touching any of the buttons available within the A330 aircraft control panel on the screen, You are immediately presented with an explanation with regards to its function. There is also a possibility to zoom into the control panel as well in order to give the user an optimal viewing experience. Data provided is for information only, Complements to Airbus...
ProductivityJet refuel calculation for Airline personnel. App make it effortless to calculate refuelling figures of jet Aeroplane. Turning the phone to landscape mimics the layout of the Aeroplane technical logbook and it makes it easy to just copy the numbers to ATL....
EducationBy touching any of the buttons available within the A320 aircraft control panel on the screen, You are immediately presented with an explanation with regards to its function. There is also a possibility to zoom into the control panel as well in order to give the user an optimal viewing experience. Data provided is for information only, Complements to Airbus...
EducationBy touching any of the buttons available within the A350 aircraft control panel on the screen, You are immediately presented with an explanation with regards to its function. There is also a possibility to zoom into the control panel as well in order to give the user an optimal viewing experience. Data provided is for information only, Complements to Airbus...