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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • Crazy amount of ads!

    By Magic Lotfey
    UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF ADVERTISING! with every single touch there is a video getting open! Even between freaking profile pics of people! Come on! You have a cool app, sure, but don’t ruin it with bombshells of this many ads!
  • Full screen ads are ruining the app

    By JHicks31
    I loved Tandem. It has been a great place to meet with native speakers and practice speaking and texting with them. However, these full screen video ads have nearly rendered the app unusable. When you are trying to find new people to speak with, every time you click a profile, an intrusive video ad pops up. It’s the opposite of fostering a good user experience and a good learning environment. This need to get fixed or you’re gonna lose a large chunk of your users. Including me. EDIT: Tandem recently added save collection, where you can save messages like corrections to review and learn from. Problem is you can only save 8 unless you use the premium service. HelloTalk has had that functionality for years and unlimited saves on the standard, non-premium service. Seems like Tandem is just being greedy to the detriment of their own service. Especially since in other apps, these services are free to use and would be helpful for everybody’s language learning. Isn’t that the original point of the app?
  • Ads for every click

    By PresidentsOfTheUnitedStatesOf
    This app is like an accidentally downloaded child’s video game, with ads every click. Just like the title. Delete it now
  • Money

    By lolaleon3221
    I get they’re trying to make money but putting a time limit on the language you’re learning and how many you can learn at a time only exclusive to people who pay is dumb. I’m over this app I’ve been learning Dutch and German together now I can’t
  • Deleting accounts ?

    By raven6667
    So I just joined and paid for pro . I’ve really been enjoying this application but it seems like there is a long term bug where this application deletes and blocks a lot of your partners . Without cause or reason. This is not fixed and frankly I would never have paid for the application if I had known this was going to happen. My advice is either don’t pay for this or avoid downloading the application until they fix this bug . It’s been about two years from what I’ve seen in the support chat and no one has gotten their chat partners back. I will not be paying for this again I think.
  • Way too many ads

    By sgtowns
    The title says it all. The huge number of ads that have appeared recently, especially the full screen pop ups, is unacceptable. I deleted the app and will not use it again.
  • Recently created tons of ads that take away from experience

    By TFB30
    Before Tandem was a great to meet people and to learn a new language. Now that experience has changed. They managed to figure out how to get rid of that beautiful experience by placing ads in every place imaginable. You see an ad now for clicking on a user profile under the explore tab. Even though you’re on that users profile, for ever photo that they have. They’ll render an add for the following swipe if you’re looking through there photos. That equates up to 6 ads because a person could post 6 photos. Now if you want to join a leave a potential party to learn a language. You’ll have a advertisements for both. I understand that the company has to make money yes but the user experience has went downhill. I voiced my opinion about it by creating a topic and within the same day. They blocked my account as if I was sharing misinformation… very bad experience on their part. They do have other issues with their application that I won’t get into. But the experience here has only been going downhill. 📉 I’ve been with Tandem for over 2 years so I could personally vouch for this. ✌️
  • Just keeps getting worse

    By celphiriox
    Thought this app couldn’t sink any lower, but it continues to subvert my expectations! So recently they started the en****ification of Tandem by limiting you to ten messages per day and adding (sometimes video) ads every other time you open someone’s profile—this all on top of a buggy app that hasn’t improved its awful messenger in basically a decade. That was already insanely annoying but somehow this dumpster fire of an app decided to put ads IN PEOPLE’S PROFILE PICTURES. So you are scrolling through them and there are like 1-2 ads shoehorned in between. Absolute madness. Tandem, I respect that you need to make money to keep the app free, but we all know you guys are doing this on purpose so people accidentally click on ads when they show up in places they shouldn’t be. This is unethical, despicable behavior. For those sick and tired of the situation, get yourself AdGuard’s DNS filter and just block all their ads. You’ll be sparing yourself the headache and probably keeping your data private from trackers. Oh, and avoiding sometimes straight up pornographic ads. Tandem, $7 a month for pro is a ridiculous proposition. Drop it to like $2-3 dollars and then maybe we’ll talk.
  • Best of the bunch, but …

    By mypaperstuff
    Beats others like hell0talk by far! But recently (2/24) the have QUADRUPLED the annoying advertising so that’s the two stars. Good moderation weeding out scams and tinder fools.
  • So many ads

    By ME9171716
    With each update this app puts more ads in more places.
