BMI Calculator – Weight Loss

BMI Calculator – Weight Loss

By Steffen Mayer

  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Release Date: 2013-07-03
  • Current Version: 1.9.3
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 28.24 MB
  • Developer: Steffen Mayer
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16.0 or later.
Score: 4.56507
From 19,495 Ratings


With this BMI Calculator you can calculate your Body Mass Index to find your ideal weight. It's the ideal companion app for your weight loss program. No matter if you want to lose weight or gain weight, this app can help you evaluate your current weight. • BMI Calculation for everyone 7 years and older • Metric and imperial systems are supported Info: • BMI - Body Mass Index: is defined as the body weight divided by the square of the height. It provides a rough guide since the BMI doesn't take into account a persons build or the composition of the body weight. Criticism, praise, problems with this app? Feel free to visit



  • Weight loss

    By Angelica’s😌❤️
    Help me keep track of my goal weight and if I wanna be overweight or underweight
  • Nahjela Muma lost wt

    By Ndi Bih
    I wanted to start now
  • Not that accurate

    By nxnxghxul
    When I downloaded this app and put in my weight it told me I was almost obese so therefore I stopped eating and when I did I would throw it up. This app could definitely cause an eating disorder. Now I’ve lost 16 pounds because of this and still feel fat because I’m on the verge of healthy
  • Idk

    By gehegsgf
    Well I checked at a hospitals bmi weight and they we’re different so idk what to believe
  • DIE

    STUPID BOTCH TOLD ME IM OBESE IM ONLY 157 LBS AT 5’5 IM SKINNY KING ISTG… APP DOESNT KNOW ME EVERY1 I KNOW TELLS ME MY STOMACH IZ FLAT. IM GONNA STARVE FOR 24 HOURS SEE IF IT CALLS ME OBESE THEN 🤬🤬🤬 IT PROBABLY STILL WILL IS THE THING!!!!! THIS APP DOES NOT KNOW MEEE. i am skinny. i am skinny. i am skinny. i am skinny. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT im obese… if you saw me…. stg youd say “thinspo omigourd” well ud prob say “average tbh” but MEHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! this app will be the DEATH OF ME. LITERALLY!!!! ILL STARVE FOR A YEAR AND DIE!!!!!!!! i HATE YOU BMI CALCULATOR i HATE YOU i HATE YOU i HATE YOU!!!!!!
  • I love it

    By Squirrel94738
    As a fourteen year old girl I can keep track if I’m getting unhealthy I like staying in the lower green zone but it’s really an eye opener for me if I need to stop eating or lose weight I love this app!
  • It helps me see how fat I am…

    By Biggie Beth
    Love ittt
  • If not confident in yourself👎

    By Jacob’s lover
    If you are insecure about yourself don’t get the app it made me feel bad about myself because I am short and still growing and I weigh 109and it said I am overweight so DONT GET IF NOT CONFIDENT🤮🤮
  • 14.5 bmi isn’t normal weight

    By 💉🐇💉🐇
    They put a lower bmi then healthy in normal and a low heathy bmi in high healthy
  • Not good for insecure ppl

    By LIKE NO😒😒😒😡😡😡
    I got this a year ago, I keep forgetting about it tho sorry. I put in 176 an I was at the END of the scale thingy, I don't even look overweight and ppl keep telling me I'm too skinny (I'm not okay, I'm normal weight). And now I don't even EAT cuz what if someone says "oh you look easy to pick up" and when they try to pick me up, the say something like "GODDAMN, you should get blah blah mean fatshaming blah blah blah" like DAWG. 😭😭
