CE5 Contact

CE5 Contact

By Sirius Technology Advanced Research

Score: 3.42208
From 154 Ratings


CE5 Contact provides instructions and tools to assist you in making peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations as well as locating others in your area who are interested in making contact. The CE5 protocols were developed by Dr. Steven Greer, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and technologies, and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. Dr. Greer’s relentless efforts towards the disclosure of classified UFO/ET information have inspired millions of supporters around the world. App features: - Official training materials developed by Dr. Greer - CE5 Guide, which provides an overview of all topics surrounding CE5 - CE5 Process, which walks users step-by-step through all aspects of initiating CE5 - Built-in networking functionality for finding and messaging others interested in CE5 - Comprehensive equipment list - Extensive library with video, images, audio samples, and meditations Notes: For active use of the app outdoors during CE5 work where connectivity may be limited, CE5 Contact includes offline mode for the CE5 Process section as well as local storage of previously visited pages or played/downloaded content. CE5 Contact 2.0 and later also allows users to manually download tones and meditations from the Library. Certain sections of the app require an active internet connection, including user sign-up / profile editing, networking, and messaging.



  • Loved it

    By Judybluedot
    I guess I was getting somewhere because somebody shut my app off. There’s no sound to it at all and when you press play for the contact noises, nothing happens.
  • Audio doesn’t work

    By momo7419
    Audio doesn’t work when you push play
  • Audio not working?

    By takennickennames?nosir
    I had this app for awhile. It worked at first but for the audio portion for several months hasn’t worked at all. I press play and nothing happens not sure what to do to make it work
  • App not updated and none of the meditations work!!

    By Montgomerycnj
    I’m regretting the purchase of this app, it doesn’t ever seem to get updates and there’s never anybody near me on the map feature. In a nutshell, I won’t ever use this app and it was a waste of money for me. And now the crop circle meditations have stopped working!!
  • Update Request

    By ______!O
    Messaging Notification option will facilitate networking effectiveness , thank you !
  • I use this almost DAILY!

    By Glitch369
    I’m fortunate enough to have a job where I’m able to be outside, alone, under the stars making contact. Ive had multiple experiences due to the information given in this application. I’ve studied Dr. Greer so much and have been doing CE5 for a while now that I honestly use the app now for the tones (I would use the meditations but they don’t play?) But for beginners it’s definitely a must have. Extremely informative on the protocols and what you should do. It also provides you with a list of materials or items that would be beneficial on your CE5 event. Plus so much more I mean, everything you need to make peaceful contact with extra terrestrial/ inter dimensional beings is in this app. And to all the haters on the reviews getting mad because either the app was buggin out or that they didn’t receive an email, or that the amount of users nearby said 50+?? I mean…come on you guys, Dr. Greer has put his literal LIFE at risk getting the information he gets and getting it out to the sheeple. He’s an incredible soul and we owe him our gratitude 🫡
  • Check out the privacy policy! The developer website?

    By LuminaArcana
    Why would this app have such an indiscreet privacy policy with personal identifiers when Dr. Stephen Greer himself stresses the need for discretion and security (having been treated by directed energy weapons)? Hmmm.
  • Bad

    By Mainbusnz
    None of the sounds or coherent meditation audio works, also 50 people radius are the same that i found in several states that i traveled….so at this point i only see two possibilities: 1) all of them follows me around the world lol 2) This Dr.Greer is really the scammer of the year as everyone is saying about making profits
  • Please fix app

    By matt6764
    Ready to begin CE5 process but the app won’t let me create an account, it freezes and that’s it. Pls fix asap
  • Totally bogus…

    By TheManBro123
    Another skeptical reviewer noted that they live in a small, relatively remote city and that their CE5 app showed 50 nearby fellow users to connect with. I also live in a small, remote city and my app is showing the same exact number of local users. This is deceitful and does not make me feel good about trusting Greer about any of his claims. There is absolutely no way that there are 50+ people using this obscure app in my tiny, conservative, working class city of 15,000 people. No way.
