sendit - get it now

sendit - get it now

By iconic hearts holdings, inc.

Score: 4.77508
From 1,506,458 Ratings


sendit is the Q&A app. get questions from friends and answer right on your story! here's why everyone is doing sendit: HOW IT WORKS 1) share a prompt like "ask me anything" 2) friends answer right on your story 3) get responses on sendit SENDIT GAMES 1) open your "sendit" tab 2) scroll through the most popular icebreakers 3) share them onto your story and wait for new questions! GET QUESTIONS 1) swipe to your "inbox" tab 2) view your questions 3) write your answer and share! ASK QUESTIONS 1) swipe to your "ask" tab 2) tap on a friend you want to know about 3) type a question and ask them anything! UNLOCK YOUR AI CLONE 1) swipe to your "profile tab" 2) easily turn on your own AI! 3) your AI Clone gets to know you, act like you, and answer like you! SEE WHO LIKES YOU 1) friends will view your profile 2) visit your "inbox" tab and see who was lurking... 3) diamond members can see all of their profile viewers! download the free app and open your questions today! please write to us at DIAMOND MEMBERS ONLY 1) see hints about who sent all of your messages 2) unlock exclusive sendit games  3) see who stalks your profile 4) customize the theme of your profile 5) view other profiles anonymously & much more!



  • SEND IT!!!

    By Shipping please nowwww
    I love send it bc it’s super fun to answer everybody’s questions and you can get to know me by some of the questions you ask!
  • My review

    By ella-Rae!
    Really fun to use and a good app to socialize!
  • I like it

    By rawrpickle
    I love the app but I hate how it’s not letting me change my ai photos and my pfp, also my friends never do it so no matter how much I post on my story no one does it so I think they should make one where an ai asks you questions too not just your friends❕
  • this app hates Christians??!!!

    By Meg at
    This used to be a fun app I used for Snapchat for little quizzes, but yknow you would get there little popups all the time to use their ai feature. And I'm like okay why not? So basically they have you fill out questions, and the ai gives a summary about you. One of the questions was, "biggest red flag on a date" I wrote, "If I ask if they are a chriatian and they say no or hesitate." And then when I'm done I go back and see the summary it made for that section right? And this ai spits out that "SHE HATES NON-CHRISTIANS" LIKE WHAT??? I NEVER SAID THAT, the biggest thing about Christianity is being loving to EVERYONE, Whether you are a christian or not you cannot deny that is extremely disrespectful. It was just a preference for if I were to start a romantic relationship with someone. That doesn't mean I hate non-christians and never want to talk to them. I had a conviction about ai from God but I just didn't listen, and I think this might be the warning I need. If you download this app, just don't use the ai feature that's all. It full on disrespected my beliefs.. Thanks for reading if you made it this far lol.
  • Download especially if you have snap

    By Alaina Smith!!
    AWESOME! It’s so fun for when ur bored like a Q and A
  • It helped me

    By Sj_frmdaraq
    I wasn’t always able to answer people messages or never even text them back but when I use sendit I’m able to you know see what’s really going on in reality
  • What happened??

    By slow2gen
    Sendit used be a great app to use with snapchat, now it’s just clunky and annoying to use. not even 2 minutes in the app and i HAVE to select a school. there is no option for “graduated” or just not in school. won’t let me finish my profile without adding a school that i do not go to.
  • Sendit

    By Supercalafiguc
    I love sendit it’s a fun app that your kids can use sometimes and fun to answer questions from people
  • Nope

    By Pride Jamie 222
    I think it’s trying to get your info secretly and hack your accounts
  • Love is this fun?

