Pyto IDE

Pyto IDE

By Develobile S.p.A.

  • Category: Developer Tools
  • Release Date: 2018-09-24
  • Current Version: 19.0.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 921.95 MB
  • Developer: Develobile S.p.A.
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later.
Score: 3.70665
From 917 Ratings


Pyto is an IDE for iPhone and iPad with a Python 3.10 Interpreter and all of the standard libraries plus more than 100 third party packages, as well as a C & C++ compiler and bitcode interpreter. Includes a terminal with standard UNIX commands, a code editor with code completion, support for Shortcuts, Picture in Picture, a graphical interface builder and a debugger. * Full version exclusive third party modules * - Cython, cryptography, typed_ast, cv2, _cffi_backend, kiwisolver, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, lxml, Bio, sklearn, skimage, scipy, erfa, pywt, nacl, bcrypt, statsmodels, zmq, regex, gensim, astropy, emd, wasm3, yaml * Built-in UNIX commands * - alias, awk, cat, chflags, chmod, cksum, clang, compress, cp, curl, date, diff, dig, du, egrep, env, fgrep, find, grep, gunzip, gzip, head, host, ifconfig, link, lli, llvm-link, ln, ls, md5, mkdir, mv, nc, nslookup, open, openurl, pbcopy, pbpaste, ping, printenv, pwd, readlink, rlogin, rm, rmdir, say, scp, sed, sftp, sort, ssh, ssh-keygen, stat, sum, tail, tar, tee, telnet, touch, tr, unalias, uname, uncompress, uniq, unlink, uptime, wc, whoami, whois, wol Take advantage system features with the following modules: - pyto_ui - Build an user interface - widgets - Home Screen Widgets - file_system - iOS file system - notifications - Schedule notifications - remote_notifications - Receive remote notifications - background - Run code in background - pasteboard - Clipboard access - userkeys - Save values on disk - sound - Play sounds - music - Access the Apple Music library - photos - Accessing photos and the camera - location - Access user's location - motion - Motion sensors - multipeer - Peer to peer wireless connection - apps - Open third party apps - xcallback - Interact with other apps - sf_symbols - A list of SF Symbols names - watch - Complications and static user interfaces for the Apple Watch



  • Very glitchy

    By zargulthewizard
    The fake terminal works about 2/3 of the time, and PyPi only about 2/5. It seems to be getting worse as time goes on. Look at the date, as of now it hasn’t been updated in 7 months, and it shows.
  • Love it—but….

    By WAshleyD
    Love it but bigger font needed on iPad for users with low vision.
  • It’s probably the best

    By ChickenTendie
    I used others and this is the best value and no subscription just 1 payment and yours.
  • Runs python, but randomly crashes

    By freireib
    This would be pretty perfect if it worked reliably. But it spontaneously crashes while I'm editing a script. Not even while running, while editing. It's very frustrating.
  • Keeps crashing

    By Rudi Lueg
    Keeps crashing
  • No option to cancel free trial

    By LoveGoodMusic99
    The app seems good enough. My only thing is that it has not given me the option to cancel the free trial in the app nor on my iPhone settings, so just beware of that.

    By iluvyoukami
    u can download the app for free, but once u open it u have to pay.
  • Can’t cancel trial subscription

    By majcram
    It seems impossible to cancel the trial subscription. The developer says use email to contact her, but the email is blocked. Also, the trial does not appear on my Apple subscriptions. I even tried to contact the developer via X. I contacted Apple support. They say this is highly unusual. They’re keeping an eye on this app/developer. Any charges they make will be reversed. I advise you to not subscribe to this app.
  • Great app, horrible price

    By justplayingstartrek
    I think its a great app, love having python so easily accessible…. But for the same sub price I can buy Replit and have python and then some. No more bloody subscriptions.
  • I bought the file app now they’re telling to buy more

    By thesokman
    I bought the full version of this app and now it’s telling me to register for a 3 day trial in which I have to purchase something again. This is terrible and I want my money back for buying it the first time because now I cannot use the app I paid for.
